The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education invites interested and qualified applicants to apply for the following posts.
POSITION: Administrative Clerk (Production)
SALARY: R216 417 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE: Durban Region (X7 Posts):
Depot Team (Umbumbulu) Ref No: DOT 36/2025 (X1 Post)
Depot Team (St Hellier) Ref No: DOT 37/2025 (X1 Post)
Depot Team (Northdene) Ref No: DOT 38/2025 (X1 Post)
Depot Team (Mount Edgecombe) Ref No: DOT 39/2025 (X1 Post)
Depot Team (Isipingo) Ref No: DOT 40/2025 (X1 Post)
Depot Team (Inanda) Ref No: DOT 41/2025 (X1 Post)
Depot Team (Mandeni) Ref No: DOT 42/2025 (X1 Post)
- A Senior Certificate / National Certificate (Vocational) NQF Level 4).
Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Required:
- Knowledge of clerical duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics.
- Knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service.
- Knowledge of working procedures in terms of the working environment.
- Computer skills. Planning and Organisational skills.
- Communication skills.
- Good verbal and written communication skills. Language skills.
- The ideal candidate should have good interpersonal relations.
- He/she should be flexible and be able to work in a team.
- Render general clerical support services.
- Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component.
- Provide personnel administration clerical support services within the component.
- Provide financial administration support services in the component.
ENQUIRIES: Ms TC Mthembu Tel No: (031) 469 8900
Ms TC Khumalo (Mandeni) Tel No: (032) 437 3800
CLOSING DATE: 31 January 2025 (at 16h00). Applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered.
APPLICATIONS: Please note applications can be hand delivered to the Office of the Department of Transport, Inkosi Mhlabunzima Maphumulo House, 172 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, or couriered via postal services to Recruitment & Selection Section, Human Resource Administration Directorate, Private Bag X9043, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. Applicants are encouraged to apply for posts through the KZN online e-Recruitment system at www.kznonline.gov.za/kznjobs.
NOTE: It is the intention of this Department to consider equity targets when filling these positions
NOTE: Applications must be submitted on the NEW Application for Employment Form, Z83 (obtainable on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za-vacancies). In terms of DPSA circular 19 of 2022, applicants are advised that part A, B C & D of the new Z83 form must be completed in full. Part E, F & G: noting that there is limited space provided applicants often indicate “refer to Curriculum Vitae (CV) or see attached”, this is acceptable as long as the CV has been attached and provides the required information.
If the information is not provided in the CV, the applicant may be disqualified.
The questions related to conditions that prevent re-appointment under Part F must be answered, and the application should be initialled, dated and signed.
Should an application be received using the incorrect application for employment (Z83) or the application is not completed in accordance with DPSA circular 19 of 2022, such application will not be considered.
The completed and signed Z83 must be accompanied by a detailed CV. Dates of starting and leaving employment must be given as DD/MM/YYYY.
Kindly take note that only shortlisted candidates will be required to provide certified copies of required documents on or before the date of the interviews following communication from Human Resources.
Failure to comply with these instructions will lead to applications being disqualified. Should an applicant wish to apply for more than one post, separate applications must be submitted for each post applied for.
Non-RSA Citizens/Permanent Resident Permit holders must provide a copy of their Permanent Residence Permits if shortlisted for an interview.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and to provide proof of such if shortlisted for an interview. Under no circumstances will faxed or emailed applications be accepted.
Receipt of applications will not be acknowledged due to the volume of applications, and should you not receive an invitation to attend an interview within three (3) months of the closing date applicants should assume that their application was unsuccessful.
Please note that where experience is a requirement for the post, the successful candidate will be required to submit documentary proof of such work experience prior to assuming duty.
A personnel suitability check (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualification verification and employment verification) will be conducted prior to employment.
Prior to appointment being made to an SMS post, the appointee must have completed the pre-entry certificate and must be in possession of such prior to taking up the post.